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At the Samarkand Human Rights Web Forum youth organizations of Uzbekistan will participate


 2020-08-11 14:04:57    140

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The Samarkand Human Rights Web Forum (12-13 August 2020) will discuss the most important aspects of protecting the rights and interests of youth. Representatives of over 30 youth organizations from all regions of the country will participate in the Forum.

Including on the web forum expressed a desire to participate

  •  The Youth Union of Uzbekistan and its regional branches;

  • Youth Parliament under the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  •  Youth Parliament under the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

  •  National Movement “Yuxalish” and its territorial divisions;

  •  Association of Young Scientists;

  •  Association of Young Artists;

  •  Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Uzbekistan;

  •  Center for children and youth with disabilities;

  •  World Youth Association of Uzbekistan;

  •  Association of Young Lawyers;

  •  Youth Center and others;

-     more than 20 youth organizations.

National Сenter
of the Republic of Uzbekistan on
Human Rights